Photo above: Traffic barriers for temporary lane closures on 15th Street.
LANE CLOSURE: Beginning Wednesday, October 30, eastbound traffic on 15th Street between Guadalupe and San Jacinto Streets will be reduced to one lane from 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. All eastbound lanes will be open at 4 p.m. and remain open until 9 a.m. to support peak commuting hours. This traffic change will be in effect through December 9. The closure is necessary to upgrade the City of Austin storm drain lines for the Capitol Complex Project.
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Other Lane Closures
15th Street & Congress Lane Closures: The westbound lane of 15th Street from Brazos Street to Lavaca Street (adjacent to the construction site) is closed for the duration of the Capitol Complex construction project. This lane is a construction loading zone only. Watch out for heavy equipment and construction vehicles entering and exiting the loading zone at Brazos and exiting at Lavaca.
Colorado Street is Closed. Colorado Street is closed between 15th Street and 16th Street for the duration of the project.
Lavaca Street Closures: The bus lane of Lavaca Street between 15th Street and 16th Street is closed for the duration of the project. This lane is a construction loading zone. Please watch for heavy equipment and vehicles entering the Lavaca loading zone at the intersection of 15th and Lavaca and exiting at 16th Street.
Please drive carefully in this area. Follow us on X (formerly known as Twitter) for specific details on lane closures. @TFCtx