Construction Progress Update | November 2024


Photo above: Construction camera view the Capitol Complex Project Phase II.

Work on Phase II of the Capitol Complex Project is humming along. The excavation work is complete and the last major piece of digging equipment has left the site. The excavation reached a depth of sixty-seven feet over two city blocks. The work crews are now focused on completing the utility relocations and continuing concrete pours for the underground parking garages. One of the next major milestones is establishing temporary power to the site for all the upcoming building construction activities. The project team is collaborating closely with Austin Energy to achieve this milestone.

1501 Lavaca – Since the first work activities on Phase II of the Capitol Complex project began on the Lavaca site, it is the farthest along in construction. Waterproofing and deck pours for the underground parking garage are ongoing and the construction is about halfway up the sixty-foot finished floor depth.

1500 Congress – Ongoing activities on 1500 Congress include waterproofing, slab-on-grade pours, and the installation of underground utilities. Waterproofing at this stage is extremely important and one of the hidden construction activities that will protect the building for its 100-year life span.

Texas Capitol Mall – Construction on Phase II of the Capitol Complex has progressed eastward beginning with the 1500 Lavaca site then the 1500 Congress site, and finally the last block of the Texas Capitol Mall. As the buildings on the first two sites rise from the ground, construction watchers will also see the formation of this landmark gateway to the Texas State Capitol. Ongoing work on the Texas Capitol Mall includes stone placement for the foundation and waterproofing.

Below are photos of Crane 3 and a temporary assist crane on the Texas Capitol Mall site, removing the last piece of excavation equipment from the hole. Photos courtesy of JE Dunn Superintendent Mike Hamline.

